Veal Roast

All types of Veal Roast should be cooked at an oven temperature of 160 C (325 F) and meat thermometer 70 C to 77 C (160 F to 170 F)
A Veal roast should be cooked fat side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Water should not be added and the roast should not be covered.
- Leg rump or round roast
- Loin roast
- Rib roast
- Boneless Shoulder roast
All types of Veal Roasts should be cooked at an oven temperature of 160 C (325 F) and meat thermometer 70 C to 77 C (160 F to 170 F)
A Veal roast should be cooked fat side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Water should not be added and the roast should not be covered.
Using a slow cooker, crock pot for Roast recipes in general
Brown the veal on all sides in the oil in a large skillet. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put the vegetables into the crock pot.
Place veal roast on top.
Pour the water into the skillet and scrape the bottom.
Cook over a low heat for one minute, then pour over the veal roast. Cover and cook on the low setting for 8 to 10 hours.